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A Detailed Look at Settings and Mappings

General Training


min read

Below we break down each field you will find in your CRM Settings section so you can decide which setting best applies to your business. (Some may vary based on the CRM)

Getting Started

*Important Notice: Seamless.AI has updated the CRM Setup page to function with two CRM's at one time

Below we break down each field you will find in your CRM Settings section so you can decide which setting best applies to your business. (Some may vary based on the CRM)

Definitions of CRM Setting Fields

Salesforce import type - This is a Salesforce specific setting and this setting allows users to select whether they want to import their contacts from Seamless.AI as Leads or as Contacts. Selecting to Import as Leads will unlock the LEADS tab within their mappings; while selecting to Import as Contacts will unlock the CONTACTS and COMPANIES tabs.

Lead Source/Campaign/Owner - These fields allow users to select where and from whom imports will be sent to their CRM. You can customize these based on any information that exists in your CRM and Seamless.AI will poll your CRM to access these fields for the dropdown options.

Set Total AI Threshold/Limit on Contact Imports - This setting will allow you to set a base level of Total AI threshold that must be met prior to importing a contact. This setting specifically pertains to the Primary Business Email listed for the contact.(Ex: If the Total AI Slider is set to 80 the Total AI score of the Primary Business Email listed for the user must be 80 percent or above in order to import successfully on first attempt)

Contact Account Creation -

  • Yes - Seamless.AI can automatically create accounts for contacts if they do not exist in your CRM
  • No - No account will be created and users must select an existing account from your CRM to import a contact
  • Prompt - Users will be prompted with each import to select an account or create a new account if one does not exist

Set Contact Import Match Score -  Set Contact Import Match Score to define your match score against your CRM records. A value of 100% requires a contact have a 100% match score against a CRM record to automatically import. Records with a lower match score will show a deduplication screen with "similar record" option to select before importing. Ex: A 95% setting will allow automatic import (no deduplication alert) if there is a match score of 95% or above against a record in your CRM unless there are two of the exact same match scores. (Seamless.AI does not recommend less than 95% Match score for this Setting)

Set Company Import Match Score - Set Company Import Match Score to define your match score against your CRM records. A value of 100% requires a contact have a 100% match score against a CRM record to automatically import. Records with a lower match score will show a deduplication screen with "similar record" option to select before importing. Ex: A 95% setting will allow automatic import (no deduplication alert) if there is a match score of 95% or above against a record in your CRM unless there are two of the exact same match scores. (Seamless.AI does not recommend less than 95% Match score for this Setting)

Bypass Lead Assignment Rules -  Set this to prevent your Lead Assignment Rule(s) from overwriting the Lead Owner field when importing Seamless contacts as Leads. Note: This rule is not supported when using the Import Filtered or Import All feature.

Automatically import to (my CRM) - This field allows users to automatically trigger an import upon clicking the FIND button within Seamless.AI. You can turn this on if you want to bypass the step of selecting which contacts/companies to import in your My Contacts and My Companies, and automatically import those to your CRM as soon as you find them!

Allow contacts/leads to import without a validated email - If selected as YES, Seamless.AI will allow users to import contacts without a validated email. A validated email includes a Valid or Accept All response from the included Seamless.AI validation (as part of our AI research process).

Allow My Companies Lead imports - This is a Salesforce specific setting. Seamless.AI allows users to import contacts to Salesforce as Leads or as Contacts. Contacts will import a Contact object as well as an Account object. Leads will import a single Lead object. This Setting will allow users who have selected LEAD import type to still import Accounts from My Companies (that were found using Seamless.AI Company Search). If this is set as No (and imports are set as Leads), then My Companies imports will be turned off and only Leads will be allowed to be imported to your CRM (from My Contacts).

Account Deduplication Method (Website or Name) - This field allows you to select whether you want to lookup existing accounts using either website or Name. This is used in our duplication-checking process to find contacts and accounts that already exist in your CRM. Selecting Name will use fuzzy matching to lookup by name, and provide options upon import of any close matches. Selecting Website (which is a more unique field) will use the website. If Website is selected and no website exists for that Company, then Name will be used as a fallback dupe check.

Fill Contact Phone with Company Phone if Contact Phone is blank - If selected YES, we will insert the company phone into the contact phone field if the company phone has a number and the contact phone is blank in Seamless.AI. This setting is best used if you need to ensure that data is present in both contact and company phones upon import (ie. if field validation exists in your CRM).

Fill Contact Location with Company Location if Contact Location is blank - If selected YES, we will insert the company location fields into the contact location fields if the company location has a location and the contact location is blank in Seamless.AI, This setting is best used if you need to ensure that data is present in both contact and company location upon import (ie. if field validation exists in your CRM).

Check for duplicates across both leads and contacts in Salesforce - This is a Salesforce specific setting. This setting will allow you to check across both Lead and Contact objects for duplicates in your Salesforce instance. This setting would be best used if you require that any contact or lead be unique, so you do not duplicate any contacts OR leads within your CRM. If this setting is set to NO, Seamless.AI will only dupe check for that specific import type in your CRM (ie. Lead or Contact/Account).

Enable CRM Alerts - Enables for if any leads are contacts are already in CRM prior to using Seamless.Ai

Allow Users to Create New / Custom Mappings - Allows users that are NOT ADMIN to create new mappings that will only affect their account


Allow User Edit -  Allow Org Users to modify the selected Setting if enabled - You can set up each field so that if enabled any user that is NOT an ADMIN will be able to set that setting/mapping field as they wish (this will only affect their account)

Override Toggle - Turning this toggle on will override data in your CRM from Seamless.AI. If this toggle is OFF, then Seamless.AI data will not update existing data and instead only update missing/empty data from your CRM (if contact or company already exists for that data)

CRM Mappings - A Detailed View

CRM Mappings allow you to map any field from Seamless.AI to any available field in your CRM. Seamless.AI will poll your CRM and pull back all available fields to setup mappings.

Note - the connected user must have edit access to these fields to ensure a successful import process.


Definitions of CRM Mapping Fields

Seamless.AI Field - These fields represent the data provided by Seamless.AI that you have found and researched. You have access to map any and all fields from Seamless.AI to your CRM (over 100+ fields). Seamless.AI will automatically set up a core set of fields that are common across CRM users as a first step, but you can set up any additional mapping fields to your CRM.

(CRM) Field - These fields represent the fields present in your connected CRM. Seamless.AI polls these fields upon connection of your CRM and frequently to ensure they are up-to-date. Simply select the Seamless.AI field mapping on the left and then select the corresponding CRM field on the right. This will establish a connection and upon import, the Seamless.AI field will map to the CRM field and pass the data to your CRM.

Add New Mapping - This selection allows you to add a new Seamless.AI > CRM Field mapping. Any Seamless.AI field can be mapped to any CRM field. Note - the connected user must have edit access to these fields to ensure a successful import process.

Add Custom Mapping - This setting is useful if you have a required field in your CRM that Seamless.AI does not provide, or if you wish to include a field in each import to your CRM. This custom mapping will allow you to set up a custom field name in Seamless.AI field (this will be the value sent to your CRM), and then set a mapping field to send data to into your CRM.

Example - If you wish to include a custom \"lead stage\" with each import from Seamless.AI, set the static value of your lead stage the Seamless.AI field (ie. New), and then select the \"Lead stage\" value field in your CRM field. This will set all leads from Seamless.AI to import with \"new\" as the lead stage in your \"lead stage\" CRM field.

You can set up each field to Set Org Wide or Lock Org Wide, and set each mapping to select if the data will override in your CRM. To set these fields, simply use the Set Org Wide or Lock Org Wide fields (In Universal Settings + Importing Mappings) as well as Override (In Importing Mappings) as desired.

Allow User Edit -  Allow Org Users to modify the selected Setting if enabled - You can set up each field so that if enabled any user that is NOT an ADMIN will be able to set that setting/mapping field as they wish (this will only affect their account)

Override Toggle - Turning this toggle on will override data in your CRM from Seamless.AI. If this toggle is OFF, then Seamless.AI data will not update existing data and instead only update missing/empty data from your CRM (if contact or company already exists for that data)


Automate Lists to Accounts and Campaigns for Salesforce

In this section you can map your Seamless.AI Lists to CRM Campaigns, Accounts or Lists to automate your import and remove manual importing

There are two tabs available:

  1. Accounts
  2. Campaigns

Once you "ADD MAPPING"  you be able to:

  • Select Seamless.AI List - Lists created in Seamless.AI
  • Select CRM account - Accounts/ Campaigns available that are created in your CRM

Have a question about your CRM settings or mappings? Contact Us.

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